Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mind set

The way we view life is all in our choosing.
Though we have been conditioned to perceive
things in a certain light, it is never too late to make a change!  

I believe it's a sickness to always see another as more
fortunate, more blessed, favored more than oneself.
The enemy of our souls is the one who keeps us in this mind set.

The world is our oyster, if only we would see it that way.
Envy and Jealousy "rots the bones", according to the bible.
We must be willing to look within and check our judgments.  

The devil is a sneaky foe.   He continually slips lies upon lies
into our minds, without us knowing, and we buy into these beliefs.
Most of us don't know we've been taken captive by our adversary.

It's never too late to begin again!  To become aware that anything
that does not line up with, "My God loves me", is a false statement
and must be discarded at once, before swallowing it into your heart.

The tension of life is what God uses to mature us into His image.
It must be there for us to move up to the next level of victory 
and overcoming.    It is in the furnace, that we are refined!   Selah.

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