Monday, April 15, 2013


I'm convinced that the tension in any given situation
is what propels us forward, IF we allow it to.  
This is the challenge of all our experiences.

If there was a never a challenge, we would not grow.
We would become lethargic and passive.  Challenge
is what God uses to bring us up higher, to maturity.  

It is in this uncomfortable place, that we eventually 
realize we must surrender ourselves to His Lordship.
Then we can allow Him to do His most perfect work within us.

We are constantly reminded that we are not in control.
We are presented with circumstances which are the 
result of our choosing, and not always God's leading.

Slowly slowly, we lift our hands high and ask the King
of Glory to take the reins and lead us on into peace.
He's the only One who possesses it.  It is supernatural.

We must find the balance of living as a surrendered
human being, and yet be continually filled by His Spirit.
We were meant to embrace all of our emotions and our Spirit.

On this Independence day I am reflecting on where He has
taken me from, where He has brought me to, and knowing
that He is preparing me for my final home in Heaven!  


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