Friday, August 17, 2012


There are times when we must fight for our private space
to be refreshed by God.   In these times, our needs must
become more urgent than what another may desire for and with us.

It is inevitable that we will dissapoint others when we make the choice
to respond to God's voice to come into His secret place.  
If we don't heed His call, and put another's demands before His desire for our time,
we are likely to suffer a very high price, which will not benefit the other either.

The price we pay to please another at the expense of  our desperation
to meet alone with God is too great.  We all need to learn that God
is the ultimate one to turn to, and we ought never to look to another as our savior.
There is only one King, and we need to keep our eyes fixed upon Him!   Selah.

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