Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Staying on the straight path offers stability and confidence.
He holds us up when times are challenging, and we need support.
"Nothing is wasted" is a popular saying, however it doesn't always
seem so whilst trudging through the mud and mire.  
"He is my defense and I shall not be moved!   Selah.

New Life

When you think you cannot move forward
special grace comes to move you on.

There is no other way to gain experience
then to live life and weather the outcome.

To not take risks is to not live. 
This is not an option.

Doing what is necessary to heal my heart.
To go to any length to be emotionally healthy is "key".

Mountain Range

We are always looking up or across to the mountain view. 
Sometimes we have the relief of standing on top of it.
Though this is not everyday life, when we are on top,
we are so blessed!   However, it is in the valley that we
are changed and transformed into the Master's image.


It's amazing how much we can go through in our lives and still remain sane.
We strive to be emotionally healthy, so as not to let our inner person drift
off into despair.  Adonai, you are the only One who can keep me in the light
when darkness falls around me.   I look to you for comfort and restoration. 


Pressing through the shrapnel, trying to find my feet again.
Holding onto God with all that I am.  Desperate for healing and restoration.
Starting over.  Not wanting to partner with bitterness or anger.
Forgiveness is the first step.  Selah. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Heart Cry

Continually going to the cross of suffering, clinging to the only One
who can make a difference in my soul.
Holding on for dear life, knowing He's my steadiness beneath my feet.
Taking each step forward in faith that He will meet me and carry me through. Selah.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beloved Cross

As each nail went into His hands, He knew the Glory of God was set before Him.
His Joy was in knowing that He was the author of Life, and His choice to go to
His cross would redeem human kind.   He knew He would be seated at the right
hand of the Father in Heaven.   He has done it all, and so we have life! 

I know I am alive when I hurt.   Though I want to disconnect from all of my sadness,
I know I cannot for any length of time, for then I would be emotionally dead.   That
is not an option for me.   It was for many years.  I knew no other way.  
I have run after my healing, and I must hold onto it.   My emotions are a blessing.

To love is to hurt.   It is stepping out in courage to let another person's heart in.
I am glad I am alive in my heart, but I don't enjoy the pain.   Learning to grieve loss
is a step in the right direction.   It doesn't happen all by itself.   I have to be willling
to let this process happen inside of me.   Looking to my Maker for comfort.  Selah.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bird watching

Standing still, finally, to breathe in new life. 
Won the fight and left the noise, chaos, and busyness
of the inland.

My Daddy longs for all of my attention. 
To settle down into Him.
To be still and experience His presence. 

Perfect partners are rare in the finding,
so when we do meet them, we must embrace
this gift from Abba.  Selah.  

New Day

Floating through waves of sunshine,
green waters submerging me,
moments into hours.

Sailing on the sea on Miss Adventure,
longing to be united with love,
expressing through creativity and harmony.  

Smiles unending as I look towards my future,
expectant of great surprises and mysteries revealed
from Daddy above.  

Stepping out on a ship called, "Courage", advancing
into my destiny.   Believing and speaking all that
I want to see happen for my life!   Selah.  


Holding on to the perfect will of God
no matter how intense the outside pressure.
Critical to not react in emotions, but by God's
spirit speaking faithfully through my ears.
What will the outcome be?  Listening and obeying
daily to the spirit of truth within.   Selah. 

Third Wall

Expressed feelings falling on dead ground.
Panic seized my heart, as there is no response.  
Stopped again.  Which direction will it move? 
Intimidation is taken captive to the King of Heaven.
No pursuit forward.  What is the destiny of each?
Time reveals all.    


Restoring the ruins is His strength.
He gives new life for all the world to see.
Each stop thrusts us forward into new
movement, succession.


There are times when we must fight for our private space
to be refreshed by God.   In these times, our needs must
become more urgent than what another may desire for and with us.

It is inevitable that we will dissapoint others when we make the choice
to respond to God's voice to come into His secret place.  
If we don't heed His call, and put another's demands before His desire for our time,
we are likely to suffer a very high price, which will not benefit the other either.

The price we pay to please another at the expense of  our desperation
to meet alone with God is too great.  We all need to learn that God
is the ultimate one to turn to, and we ought never to look to another as our savior.
There is only one King, and we need to keep our eyes fixed upon Him!   Selah.


In my own time I find my way. 
When given the space,
I have the freedom to do so.  
All things are resolved,
as I press in to know my truths in Him.
He is faithful!

Last leg

Grace runs out.  Human beings have limitations, so we look to God.
God's grace never runs out, as we are met by it each time.   We realize
grace is not something man can muster up, but it is only a special provision
that comes from the Father working through our lives to others as we yield 
to Him.   


The Line

Sometimes our loved ones must draw the line for us.
Often it is not until we no longer have an option that
our truth surfaces.   When put under increased pressure
our struggle can bring us into a green pasture.  
Dark nights can bring us to a NEW sunrise!  

A New Day

Love and trust bring deep issues of the heart to the surface,
enabling one to start over again with emotions intact.  
Dead places of the past re-awakened through healing.
God's chosen ones used to give this gift of LIFE!  Selah.


Decisions are what our lives are made up of.
When we refuse to make them, we are stuck
and God's spirit cannot move freely in our lives.
We cannot know His goodness if we won't step out
in faith and "risk" our emotions in love relationships.
As we take the first step out, He is faithful to meet us.