Friday, June 15, 2012


The draw to dissapear into someone, to become One, merging the two.
When you feel so close, you want to melt into the other and be inside them.
When life won't allow it, and God's law says, "No".   We choose God in the end.

Sacrifices and praise and thanksgiving fill our mouths, as we rejoice in His Kingship.
It is always better to lay it all down before the King, and in exchange He will fill us
with indescribable joy!    He is a faithful father, and He wants our very best!

When we choose Him before any other, He will give back to us, all that He has intended for us.   If we pray, "Thy will be done, not mine, but Yours, we can be assured that He will not withold any good thing from us, ever!    He is a good Father.

He does indeed take us from glory to glory to glory, as we surrender all to Him.
Every situation, as we yield to His authority in our lives, is molding us more into
His divine nature of Godliness, Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness.   Yes Lord! 

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