Friday, June 22, 2012


The sweetness of life,
sharing joys and sorrows,
mourning and gladness,
rest and activity.

So often our gaze is on the future,
when all we have is now.
What makes it so difficult to just "be"?
Is it fear of living out of the heart?

Many voices, many opinions,
a challenge to hear the Only voice that matters.
Walking in integrity is of the utmost importance,
Lord, lead me on into your right way.  Selah.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


There are times in our lives when we have to make very clear decisions
that have a monumental effect on our days, years, and lives.
For me, I am always being brought back to the cross of Yeshua my Messiah.
He gave it all, so that I might have a "new" life, one of power, clarity, and resurrection.

It is certainly in these times of having to deny myself of my hearts desire, that
I draw nearer than ever to my cross that He instructed to pick up and carry.
He knew how painful it would be for me, to cut loose my yearning hearts longings,
in order to follow Him.   These are the times that define who we really are in Him.

I need to continue to remember, that I do indeed hide myself in His bosom to survive, especially on my side of the world.   He is forever calling me to be faithful to Him,
to His sacrifice on my behalf, and to a life that is full of His love and His light, so
that all men might know that He is the giver of all good gifts, and His love never fails!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pleasant places

"The boundary lines have fallen to me in pleasant places."
We serve a good Father, and He is able to keep us, if we
are listening to His voice leading and guiding us.

I choose God this day, and I heed His voice, for He is my very
life breath.   I thank Him for all He has brought into my life to
refine me like gold.   It is not easy, sometimes much harder than others.

I trust Him, BUT I must yield to His authority in my life to remain in the vine.
Without Him, I am nothing, a mere vapor that passes away in time.
While I am here, I want to get it right and enjoy the benefits of Holy covering.

Friday, June 15, 2012


The draw to dissapear into someone, to become One, merging the two.
When you feel so close, you want to melt into the other and be inside them.
When life won't allow it, and God's law says, "No".   We choose God in the end.

Sacrifices and praise and thanksgiving fill our mouths, as we rejoice in His Kingship.
It is always better to lay it all down before the King, and in exchange He will fill us
with indescribable joy!    He is a faithful father, and He wants our very best!

When we choose Him before any other, He will give back to us, all that He has intended for us.   If we pray, "Thy will be done, not mine, but Yours, we can be assured that He will not withold any good thing from us, ever!    He is a good Father.

He does indeed take us from glory to glory to glory, as we surrender all to Him.
Every situation, as we yield to His authority in our lives, is molding us more into
His divine nature of Godliness, Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness.   Yes Lord! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


"If anyone loves their mother, father, brother, sister, children, more than he loves Me, he is not worthy of Me."  This is our reality as children of God, and co-heirs with Messiah Yeshua.

There are profound times in our lives, when God almighty asks us to sacrifice the very thing that we desire greatly, to be "right" with Him.    He literally says, do you want Me, or the thing in which you desire that is not in my will at this time?  

These are the moments that we are at the cross, and asked the monumental question, "what's it going to be?"    Lord, you are my everything, and I am not willing to loose You, for anyone, as you are my very life breath.   Take care of me Lord!   Selah.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Sweet savoring of moments exchanged,
reflecting on laughter and precious words.
Riding the waves, holding on for His will.

Comfort so kind, so patient, so tender.
Walking it out, with respect and courage.
Trusting His plan to unfold in His time.

Release of tension, emotions and fear.
Breathing in grace, forgiveness, and mercy.
Love and tolerance, patience, and friendship.

Afinity in knowing the same path called.
Journeying on day by day, support given.
Blessing and praying the best for each other.



Explosives hit, recovery taking place.
Settling down after the shock.
Situation being transformed, forgiveness.

As much as we try to figure out God
We are left with many surprises, and
simply can't know the future, only He.

Moving forward, facing fears, expressing
my heart.    People can be trusted, and
can care well for my feelings, taking a chance.

Comforted heart, listening with love,
space for expression, sweet fellowship.
We are God's mouthpiece, and filled with His Glory.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Spinning and turning over and over again.
No way out, no way through.   Circling,
diving, tossing, and holding. 

Resolve, unresolve, and so it goes.
I want to burst out, but I can't.
Submit to the only One who can guide.

Dance it out, stretch it out, shout it out.
Breathe it in, over and over again. 
God knows all, He will come through.

He can be trusted, when no one else can.
Forming, shaping, molding my emotions
into whatever He will create through me.