Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Where does our healing lay?   So many of us run around
spinning in circles, juggling our plates, because we cannot
bare to feel the pain hidden and lodged in our hearts.  Many
of us, have a wall so thick to separate us from our pain, because
on a sub-conscious level, we really believe we cannot handle any
more pain.    The only One who can heal this deep seated trauma
that has clung to our very fiber, is the lover of our souls.   Yeshua
(Jesus) our Lord and Savior.    It needs to be uprooted, and cast out
with the Father.  Today, my wonderful imagination that God has
created me with, has helped me "see" that bulldozer coming with
the Father to demolish that concrete wall, that said, "I am not loved."
I asked the Father to destroy it.   So there I was standing vunerable with
my heart open to receive God's love.    I had to ask Him to help me. 
I then realized, I had not loved myself.    I had to then embrace the little
child who was so devastated.  I told her I will never leave her again. 
I will never abandon her or her feelings, and that her feelings matter.
After having a very special and intimate time with God, and forgiving
those I needed to forgive, I realize the only way to complete healing
is to sit before the Father, and be absolutely honest and open with what
is really in my heart.  He cares.   The truth of the matter is, until we get to
this place of truth about what is in our hearts, and God can show us, as
we come to Him without any facades,  we are living in denial, and how
much we can help or be merciful to others is extremely limited.   The
point is, we need to integrate our damaged traumatized little person inside
of us with the adult who is functioning today.   For me, my adult needed
to embrace my little girl inside, and tell her that I will always love her, and
care for her, and be a good parent to her.   Until we get real with the Father,
we cannot advance in our lives and help anyone else.   There is nothing
to big for our Dad to do, no concrete wall that cannot be penetrated.  He
is the maker of the Universe, and He can do all things, but He is truly
waiting for us to invite Him in to bring about divine healing in our hearts. 
He can be trusted, and He is the final authority on all things.  He is the lover
of our souls, and He has always loved us, is loving us now, and continues
to love us forever! 


Do we have people in our lives that we can be completely
vunerable with?    Or are we still trying to appear as if we have
it all together?   Funnily, in God's world,  it's only when we
wholeheartedly admit that we are nothing without HIm, do we
become empowered and strengthened from the inside out! 
The famous Rabbi Saul of Tarus, later to become the greatest
apostle Paul, said, "In my weakness, I am made strong, through
the strength of my Savior Yeshua."   It is only when we admit
we posess no strength in our own human nature, that the power
of God can invade our temple (our bodies), and do great exploits. 
Of course we can run ahead and act in our own "perceived" strength,
but we will soon find out it is futile.  Running ahead without God
is very dangerous.  Many of us have suffered great consequences from
making choices outside of His will, in our impulsiveness and hastiness.
It's never worth it.  The repercussions are too great. Not only that,
when we come out from His covering, we have given our enemy the
legal right to torment us, abuse us, bring infirmity upon us, and even use
us to harm others.   There is no safe place, outside the will of God for
our lives.    "Choose ye this day, whom you will serve?"  Yeshua (Jesus)
declares, "If you're not with me, you're against me", and "Either you're
serving God, or you're serving the devil."   Who are you serving today? 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pick up your tent pegs!

Tent pegs in their very structure, were only meant to be
for temporary purposes.  If we overstay our welcome,
we surely shall find our conflict to battle.  Once we dig
our heels in with our pegs, it's so much harder to extract
ourselves from familiar surroundings.   Don't we want to attach
ourselves to a space that we can call home?    But then
Yeshua (Jesus) tells us in a matter of terms, we are only passing
through.  We cannot take anything with us.  Oh, how my human
heart longs to attach itself to a home, yet I know I am only
passing through.  My mansion is waiting for me in heaven! 

Lord, please help me to move when you say, "move", and
stay when you say, "stay".   Please help me to be on your timetable,
and follow your every lead.  I don't want to lag behind, or run ahead.
Your peace will lead me "home".   A wise women said, "hold the
things of this world lightly", and I add, hold the things of heaven
tightly.   After all, that's where I'll be for eternity.   How about you? 
Where is your treasure?   Who holds the key to your heart?  
Who has your affections?  Where are your thoughts taken up? 

There is only One who can satisfy our thirsty souls.
He wants all of us.   Not just one part of us, or one area
in our lives.  He wants it all.  He wants to come and sup with us.
Will you trust Him for your future?   For your provision?  
Who is your destiny?   Where will you spend eternity?  
Is God pleased with your life?  Will He say to you, "Well done
my good and faithful servant?"    Selah.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Continually dying to self, "iron sharpens iron,
as a friend sharpens the other's countenance!" 
However, it's not always a friend, (a pleasant relationship),
yet this consistent opportunity to overcome our flesh,
is an ongoing experience for us here in God's Land. 

How easy it is to look at the other's person's "issues",
and be completely blind to our own.  This inherent
blameshifting is in every inidividual, beginning in the
Garden of Eden.    No one likes to look at his wrongs.

God loves us so much, that He wants us to move forward,
and be transformed into the image of His Son. 
This grape crushing process is painful, and horrific at times,
yet He continues to tell us, He is taking us from Glory to Glory!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In your bosom

You continue to bring me to a place of dissapointment
and brokenness.  You have all of my affections, and my
only hope is in You.   I am reminded that You are the only
One who can comfort me, heal me, and make me whole. 

Standing in the crucible, being refined in your Holy Fire,
the next level of faith in this Land of Yours.  
Dying to self, and being transformed into your very image,
is by no means a holiday, nor a walk for the faint hearted.

"Sprinkle me with oregano, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow,
let me hear the sound of joy and gladness,
so that the bones you crushed can rejoice."