Saturday, May 12, 2018


We're all running from our hearts, it's just that some of us
know it, and some don't.   So much pain and disappointment
in these days.  I have asked the Lord, what does He want me 
to do with it all?   I was surprised at His answer.  

He told me to NOT to walk away with my tail between my legs,
wounded and silent, but to STEP UP and face my giants!  
I wasn't happy with His answer at first.  But, that was the beginning
of my breakthrough!   

He has assured me that He has me covered.  That He is my vindicator
and He will take care of the upsetting and hurtful situations at hand.
Not only that, but that I am His plumb line.  He has made me the 
kind of person who does in fact cause one to have to look at themselves.

Never have I known this more, that He uses me to bring that "sword",
so to speak.  That dividing line, between truth and lies.   Simply
by me being the person He has specifically designed me to be,
it causes another to have to look at themselves.  This was His idea, not mine. 

I am so grateful that He has chosen to build me up, and not tear me down.
He has called me to be authentic, at all costs.   To be true to the daughter
He has made me to be, for His Glory, and His purposes.  My eyes need to
continually look to Him, and not man, so I am not held back from my destiny! 

There is a huge price to pay for being real!  Some may love me and others
despise me.   But, then I'm in good company, for He was innocent in every way,
yet hated because of TRUTH!   I am not alone in this journey, for He is with me.
"His rod and His staff they comfort me."   "I am His and He is mine."  

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