Saturday, January 6, 2018

Never the less

We're not always going to get the response we would like,
but we need to learn how to move on in spite of that. 
We need with God's help to have a firm foundation in Him 
which offers us a sturdier security within ourselves. 

We have no control over others and their reactions, or non-
reactions for that matter, but no matter, we must "move on."
Part of maturing into who we were truly meant to be, is that
we are not effected by other's responses, but true to ourselves.

My biggest issue is to heal from taking other's behaviors personally.
People's choice of words, actions, or non-actions has nothing to do
with me.   I truly desire to be healed from this issue, so that I don't 
have to suffer needless hurt in my life.   I'm still on my journey. 

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