Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lower Still

Today I'm reminded that I cannot empathize with another
if I am not walking a similar road.   We question why
God allows the heartache.   In order to have compassion
for His children, we have to be lowered still.  

It is so painful to be alive at times, to see the lost,
the suffering, the hardships, the amputated, the homeless.
To feel our own loneliness, and not know when it will end.
What is the Master of the Universe getting at?  

The drudgery of life, it's pressures, it's sorrows, and it's
devastation, one wonders how we can move past it all?
We mustn't ever forget there is a force at work that opposes
our happiness, our Joy, and our successes.    Selah.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Understanding the strategy of our enemy is critical.
When we can see the stream of thoughts that bombard
our minds are surely from him, we can put him under our feet!  

We must know how to bind the evil schemes of the evil one 
and all of his cohorts.   We must rest in the shadow of the almighty!
We must hold on tight to the only One who can save us!  

We are tested and tried, and nothing slips through the hands of
our Master Father, but He is calling us to hide our selves in Him.
He is faithful to the end, no matter how great the storm rages against us!  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Life is all about taking chances.
Without that, we are not moving forward.
We learn about life through making decisions.

Anxiety always sets in when we won't decide.
When we "fear" change, and dig in our heels.
We grow and mature through our "journey".

We step out on a limb, not knowing the outcome,
but stagnation can drive us there.  Tiring of 
the indecision.   We are thrust into motion, and breakthrough!  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Face Press

Pushed up against a wall,
stripped of all worldly things.
Through the fire and alive.

The maturing process comes
out of the furnace of gold.
Being refined in His image.

Time passes so quickly it seems
Yet the seasons have changed
in a super-natural way.   

Leaning on my Beloved
holding steady in God
determined to move forward.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Spinning wheel

Frustration mounted up to burst wide open.
Sorrow of an almost perfect scenario.
The almost caused the demise.   

Natural doubts tailgating my decision.
Need to repeat the truths over and over.
Standing in reality, and comforting myself.

Mourning once again the disappointment 
of a dream still hoped for.   Each time
asking what was better this time?

How much can one heart take?   Who 
wants to go through this again?
Lessons never tire here in this life.

I don't want to get more exercise in my heart.
I don't need added stress to my already intensified life.
Letting go is "key" always.    Allowing the Master to take over.  Selah.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Up Hill Climb

Sometimes I really wish life would run smoothly.
Where I live life is intense, so added stresses are 
not really welcome or should I say convenient?  

I'm at such a point where I want to really take my 
hands off of everything, and ask God to do it all!   
It's too stressful to try to take care of it all myself.

I live for Him, and He is my main concern.  
Making sure I am on His path, not getting derailed 
or side tracked.   The heart is such a tenuous thing.

I so wish I could have a non-messy life.  But Love
is messy.   Growth is messy and growing into maturity
is also messy.    Friends who are trust-worthy are needed.

Not walking alone is primary.  Learning to have 
good and healthy relationships are "key".   We cannot
grow inside a vacuum.   We need to live our lives out loud.