Friday, January 17, 2014


Why do we think we need to exclude our real feelings
when we go forth in life?    As if they are not acceptable?

It is in fact our reality brought forth that makes for our
most beautiful expressions and shall bring healing to our hearts.   

I don't like to feel my pain, but I do realize that if I do not allow
my heart to acknowledge it, feel it, and give it to God, I'm not real.

Sometimes we have to fight for our privacy with God.   We have to
step out and tell others, "God is calling me alone today with Him."

If we are trying to fit in, and be accepted by man, we are surely
on the wrong track.     The only approval that matters for my life is His!  

Relief comes when we can bring forth our feelings, good, bad, and ugly,
and allow that to be designed into a beautiful masterpiece for the Master.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Talking out loud

When we want to reach out
but it's not in our best interest
we write and express our hearts.

Disciplining our need to fulfill
our deepest cravings, is certainly
a lifelong process.

They say it is "better to have loved
than to never have loved at all."
I suppose it may be true.

I love how denying oneself can be
molded and shaped into something
beautiful, a work of art.

The longing for human companionship
for intimacy in both the physical and
emotional is a day to day experience.

Our salvation is this regard is the 
creative gifts God has placed within us.
At least we have somewhere we can go with it all.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Beginnings

Breathing in New Life,
exhaling the old.
Putting to bed the past
and not looking back.

What a great idea,
and I believe this 
is God's will, yet it
can be so incredibly challenging.

I am so thankful for the arts.
That I can express myself
and my sorrow in a creative way.
Beauty comes from great pain.

Disciplining my mind on what
it thinks on is key.   I have 
control over all of that.
It's work, but it's necessary.

"I press on to take hold off
that for which Messiah Yeshua
has taken hold of me."
I glory in His presence and BREATHE again!  

Thursday, January 2, 2014


We need a way of communicating our workings out of things.
A way to say what needs to be said, if only in a very abstract way.  

Sorrow and pain can make for beautiful works of art, and often
times something so horrific can be utterly beautiful in it's expression.

We need an avenue of venting, releasing, and surrendering our pain.
It is innate in us to mold this hurt into a form that can turned to the positive.

Pain is a great motivator for the most profound creations, as we feel
the coals go over us and make us into something new.    Tried and tested.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Our minds play tricks on us,
and we "forget" so easily
where we've been.

God is faithful to remind us 
of our journey, so we don't
fall prey to old patterns.

Temptation is strong,
wanting to devour us
and we must say, "No!"

The heart is so tender
and this is a blessing,
but we must truly guard it.