Monday, November 25, 2013

Passing Through

"A flower of the field is here today and gone tomorrow".
We spend so much time worrying about our so called cares and
concerns, and seem to always forget, we may not have tomorrow.

My friend.  He was liked by so many.  He was soft.  Gentle, 
and enjoyed being the center of attention.     I don't know how
to "handle" or "feel" my emotions now.   How do I process his loss?  

Here today, gone tomorrow.  He is no longer on this earth. 
He is ascended to the heavens to be welcomed by God's angels.
I pray He had the most incredible greeting from all the heavenly hosts.

I realize it is so important to appreciate our loved ones when they are here.
He was a good man.   He was kind and caring.   He loved God.   
He wanted to be loved by another
He was scared, but yet He wanted love.

Lord, please help us all here feel our feelings of his absence now, 
accept our grief, pray for His family, and release Him to your care.
Father, you have your reasons I simply don't understand.     Selah.

Laying it down

The practice of continually laying it down.
We get into a discipline that benefits us
if we would repeatedly give it to the Father.

He is so patient, loving, and kind.
He has been longing to cradle us in His arms.
It is a Love that is free, and not forced, always will be.

Forgiveness is Key.   In order to truly know the Father,
we must give up our bitterness, resentments, and 
self-righteousness.    Our sense of entitlement bring us down.

If we want to start over, we must release all those
who have hurt and offended us.    We have the key that
unlocks the door to our freedom.   Will we choose to use it?

I want to start over.  I want to have all that my God has 
for me in this life.  I want to sow seeds in heaven and watch
them blossom!     I choose to lay down all the hurt for my destiny!   

Monday, November 18, 2013


Treasures held within my heart
Lasting memories that are 'unique'.
We move on past the bad, and store
up the good.   Each one leaves a sparkle.

When we leave this earth, we carry
our special treasures with us.  Who knows
what is beyond this place?   What heaven is like?
Though we live for eternity, we tuck our jewels in.

When we discard the bad, it is important that we
treasure the moments that helped to mature us
into what God was aiming for all along.    We are 
always responsible for our part, that will never change.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Questions for Life.
Being faithful with what's been given.
Exploring the gifts God has deposited.

Staying on the path.
Following through on the call.
Responding to the unique destiny.

Pressing through towards the goal.
Not allowing distractions to cause a fall.
Holding on to the voice of the Bridegroom.

Listening for words of the Father.
Loyalty to His commission.
Going all the way with Him!   


Changing times and transformations!   
Character shift over the decades.
Non-recognizable.   Memories bizarre!  

Watching the waves of change,
Growing into maturity.   
Process is unfolding continually.

Surreal shifts over time, 
180 degree turns,
God makes the day!