Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Selfishness at the Core.
So afraid of loosing oneself,
that we cannot give up ourselves 
to be there for another.  

This is a common phenomena,
baffling yet sad and sorrowful.  
More and more I realize there
is nothing good in me, apart from God.

In our sin nature, there is only sickness.
The only way out of it, of ourselves, is
reaching into the heart of the Father, 
where love is.  It is in Him, that we find life.

We were made for relationships, yet
our very bent is to stay out of them,
fixed on ourselves and our desires.
This is truly a dead end!  

Jesus said, "I have made ALL things new."
Every day life is a new start in Him.
There is simply nothing going on without Him.
Nothing that is of any value or significance.

We are saved by the blood of the Lamb.
It is only His sacrificial blood that He 
poured out for humankind, that we have a
chance to live a new life, one of Love and Kindness.

The Scriptures say, that if anyone thinks he is
without sin, he is lying to himself and living in darkness.
The only real everlasting Joy and Hope in this life
is to place all of our trust in the One who did it all for us! 

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