Wednesday, March 27, 2013


How do we survive without the fellowship of the saints?  
We were made in the image of God, for the Glory of God.
He created us to fellowship with Him forever, shouldn't it
follow, that we then are to fellowship with His people?

We were in fact made for relationships.   How does anyone
live emotionally without the input, love, support, and 
nurturing of others?    We were never made to live inside
our own bubble, without any stimulation from others.

My heart feels alive when I am in active relationships.
I believe with every ounce of me that this is God's priority,
and it ought to always be mine.   It's so easy to get out 
of balance, and simply be a work-a-holic.   

God allows us to fall out of step so that we can see what
has happened in ourselves, and return to His priority.
I am convinced that He allows bad things to happen so
that we can remain humble and on level ground with others.

Whatever it takes for God to keep our hearts soft and malleable,
He is willing to allow, so that we can return to His heart, the 
things that are so important and precious to Him.  Since 
I've given my life to Him, I want my will to line up with His!  

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