Saturday, July 7, 2012


There is no greater Love than the One who fashioned the Universe! 
He is in complete control, though we can illude ourselves to think we are.

The plan has been made, the people in place, now we walk out our destinies.
He knows what we shall choose, and we discover ourselves on the way.

There is no purpose for living, if not for love.  This is our very fiber of existence.
If we cannot love, we are truly dead.   The evil one has taken over our lives.

Our very Glory in Him, is to love those He entrusts to our care.  Fear is not an excuse.
His greatest potential for us is to Love as He did.  He poured out His heart on our behalf.

If I give to Him, less than what I am capable of giving, I am witholding from my Maker.
It follows that I will hold back my love from others He has placed in my life, this cannot be.

As I entrust to Him my life this day, and Love His people He has placed in my life,
I shall be healed.  For it is only through loving, that I am made whole!  Selah. 

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