Saturday, July 28, 2012


There comes a time when we have to live
out of our own hearts.   Not by other's opinions,
viewpoints, judgements, nor our own rational.
I believe God brings us to this point of challenge.

If we seek His heart for our every situation,
we can be assured, He will reveal it with Joy.
It is His will for us to be liberated in ourselves.
To experience freedom from imposed beliefs.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve walked with God
in the cool of the day, unashamed, and fulfilled in
His love and each others.    Since the fall, and coming
back under His blood covering, we are protected every day!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Two tents

Coming into the awakening of Father God.
Often He will use a person He has chosen
to shake us at the core, releasing years of
suppressed pain, sorrow, and grief.
He is a faithful God!

Walking forward into New Life demands
courage and bravity.    He will surprise
us with His healing power in our hearts
as we surrender the struggle to Him.  
He knows the end from the beginning. 

Releasing our breath, and jumping into
His arms, as we fly to places we've never
been before.    He is holding up our arms
so we don't faint from weariness.   His
love is amazing, and He is taking us from Glory to Glory.  


Upside down, shaking, shifting, and transforming.
Only the Potter can do these things.
When we say, "Yes", it is no holds barred.

He has a future for us, that is beyond our imaginations.
All we need to do is breathe deeply and hold on tight. 
There is no perfection until we transcend from here.

Renewed hope and unbounding joy come when we
step out to the great divide.   We consciously jump
into the future and leave the wreckage of our past behind!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Challenge

When situations come that are new to us,
our entire perspective can change. 
As our lives move forward, we cannot hold
onto old views and stubbornly resist a greater understanding.

We were meant to evolve, not hold onto yesterdays perceptions.
Each day presents us with the challenge of growing with God. 
The more we dig our heels in, and "fix" our understanding of the
Creator, the more we will be paddling upstream.

What we thought we knew about God as Father must increase
in order to progress in our lives with Him.   
He is the greatest Lover in all the Universe.  He created Love, and
He wants to live and breathe this Love into our very existence!  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lying down

In the secret place, answers come.
Getting there is the challenge.
Slowing down with God to hear only
His voice, He is the captain of the ship.

Peace, contentment, and security in Him.
His Joy is everlasting, it never runs out.
Staying under His canopy offers protection.
His Love is amazing, and beyond all telling.

Blockages to receiving His Love must go.
This is not His will for us to not know.
We must let His Love in, so we can grow,
to become all that He has intended for us to be! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012


My heart has been captured.
The decision before me is painstaking.
Never have I been in this scenerio,
only God can lead me to His resolve.

All that I've built with Him, persisted,
and persevered.  Now I am still, asking
for His way and direction to save my own
spiritual life.   His love for me is beyond searching out.

I am at the cross, again.   Only You have my
answer that I desperately need at this time.
So many voices, which one is Yours?   
Sacrifice seems to be the theme of my song in this time. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Bulldozer through the cement wall
demolishing all lies that kept love out.

Our adversary's objective is to keep us
out of the realization of the Love of God.

There will always be a veil between God and man
as long as man remains believing the lie that He is not loved by God.

How can we love another, if we cannot receive the love of God
into our own hearts?   Nor can we receive God's love through the other.

When we have the revelation that this is the lie from the enemy,
that we are not loved by God, we can begin to live a new life of love in Him!  .

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Ground breaking, rumblings, explosions within.
Total revolution in my existence.   It's a New Day! 

He promised He would give me back all the years
the locusts have eaten.    It is happenning now!  

Love can transform a life, it is the only real and
lasting thing in the Universe.    He indeed answers prayer.

"The former things have gone..all has become new."
It's time to cut off the past, and walk into His ultimate destiny for me!  

Friday, July 13, 2012


Laying it all down, wall is hit
No way forward until the King
reveals the path

Desperate need for rest
to hear the voice of the Bridegroom
singing love songs into my ears

Breathing in grace from His heart
letting all facades down
releasing tears of many years

He is my only hope
there is none other
no one else can fill His place.   Selah.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bunji jump

One never knows which way we will land,
but if we don't release our parachute,
we'll never ever know.  

I am convinced that there is no other way
than to step out and risk and "live". 
This is the scarest route to take.

What other way is there to grow and mature
than to move forward and "seize the day"? 
If there is peace, we must respond to life!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


There is no greater Love than the One who fashioned the Universe! 
He is in complete control, though we can illude ourselves to think we are.

The plan has been made, the people in place, now we walk out our destinies.
He knows what we shall choose, and we discover ourselves on the way.

There is no purpose for living, if not for love.  This is our very fiber of existence.
If we cannot love, we are truly dead.   The evil one has taken over our lives.

Our very Glory in Him, is to love those He entrusts to our care.  Fear is not an excuse.
His greatest potential for us is to Love as He did.  He poured out His heart on our behalf.

If I give to Him, less than what I am capable of giving, I am witholding from my Maker.
It follows that I will hold back my love from others He has placed in my life, this cannot be.

As I entrust to Him my life this day, and Love His people He has placed in my life,
I shall be healed.  For it is only through loving, that I am made whole!  Selah. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Free flight

Releasing all bondage to embrace God's divine will.
Shutting all voices that cloud, obscure, and try to sabotage.
As we walk into our divine destinies, our opposer is shaken! 

We breathe in new hope and live in freedom, seeking clarity
for His vision for our lives.    We discern what is His voice, and what
is our adversary's scheme advancing towards us.  

Friendship and support shed light on our circumstances, and
we are filled with gratitude of getting an objective reply. 
We are loved by those dear to us, and a fresh outlook appears.

He has come to set the captives free, and the mocker is jolted
into this reality continually.    We are always overcomers, as
our King remains forever on His throne.   Selah. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Spice of Life

There is a Rock that our lives rest upon.
He is the source of ALL life, and His gift
to us is LOVE through His Son. 

When rooted and grounded in Him, we
are on a firm footing, and nothing can
shake our foundation!  

Without the essence of who God is,
LOVE,  there is no life at all.   His love
holds it all together, without it we are lost!

When we live out our respective destinies
in Him, which is love, we have never felt
more alive as it is the reason we were created.

Love holds all things together, and He is LOVE.
There is no other Rock but Him, and as we trust
Him day by day, He leads us in His way everlasting.

Monday, July 2, 2012


When relationships begin to hit the intimacy level,
we are at a major crossroads.   This is where the
fear kicks in, and the healing in our souls begin.
It is only through relationships that we are healed.
This process is messy, disorderly, scarey and terrifying.

Fear of being rejected for our weaknesses, our deep
need to be loved, and our inability to keep our emotions
tidy and "in order."   Feelings of extreme vunerability
shake us, and our reflex reaction is to close up, to stop
further intimacy, an attempt to not feel the extreme discomfort.

Can we allow ourselves the challenge of being naked emotionally
infront of another who loves us, so that we might heal and be
capable of an intimate love relationship?   This process, should
we choose to embrace it, rocks us at our very core, and plunges
us into the reality that unless we are willing to be unearthed, we
shall never experience the intimate love of the Father through the one
He has chosen for us.    Selah.


Thoughts of you invade my mind. 
I am drifting on a boat of pleasure
designed only for me! 

Longing to be with you again,
to feel complete in friendship,
love, and blessings. 

As I awaken you are with me,
singing love songs to our God.
He is magnificent in His Glory,
and longs to shine through us for eternity!

New Dawn

When moments of vunerability come, I am frightened.
The fear of being alone in my feelings and being exploited
by the enemy.  I can only hide myself in You Adonai,
for you are my Holy place.  You restore my soul.  

New moments and experiences - a new life.
Don't be afraid to walk forward to wholeness,
to healing, and to restoration.

"I am my beloved's, and He is mine.  Come into your Garden
and take delight in me, take delight in me."