Sunday, December 31, 2017

All Things!

God allows us to go through all of our emotions to find only Him in the end.  He says to hold everything and everyone loosely BUT Him. 
No one loves me like He does.  If we look to others to fill us up, we will
always come up empty.   God uses everything in our lives to bring us back to Himself.   Until we see that we are desperate for Him alone.
He is the only One who can fill us up.  Everything leads us back to Him.
This is how He has always intended it to be.   He is the One who is meant to fill my cup, to overflowing!   

Saturday, October 28, 2017


              When the pain becomes so great, it's finally time to make a change.
              Truth be told, we as humans just don't make these changes until then.
              I guess we are predictable that way.   Sometimes, it feels as if we will 
              never move past the pain, but we eventually do.  God is faithful to heal
              and restore, as we invite Him to do what we simply cannot do ourselves!  

Friday, March 17, 2017


All of our disappointment leads us back to God.
He is the only One who is perfect.
The inner struggle to not over function and care take others.

Boundaries save lives.  Lack of them destroy lives.  
It is never about the other person however, but about
our inability to parent ourselves.   Let's make the change.  

Let's maintain our integrity at all costs.   Let's not allow the 
evil one to tempt us into sin.   The enemy is sneaky and slimy.
Let's stay connected to God, at all costs, for He is our only Hope! 


We need to be open to life's changes, 
for they are monumental.  We can either
accept them, or fight them, but they
will occur nonetheless.  

We must face the reality of the seasons
of life.  This is the very nature of life itself.
When we remain stagnant over time, eventually
it can create sickness within us denying life itself.

I find this the greatest challenge:  Can I accept
myself in my new season?  This is truly "key!"  
Acceptance of life's seasons and acceptance 
of ourselves and the continuance of loving ourselves.

Monday, January 30, 2017


I've been pouring out and pouring out,
it's time to rest and receive from the Fountain of Life.

It is good to give, the ultimate of love,
but it cannot only be that.  One must receive.  

It is time to PAUSE.   To take a "time-out"
and receive from the Master.   In the rest, the author will speak.

It's been a struggle to get here, but I am here
and I will rest.    Lord, come and bring me the refreshing I need.  
