Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Facing Truth

It amazes me how long I've been in denial.
We learn to survive, and in order to do so,
we deny our reality.  Time!

Truth hurts and why would anyone want to feel it?!
It all makes so much sense to me now why I've
chosen the partners I have.  Par for the course.

There comes a time when we cannot take on
the garbage anymore.  Taking a stand will 
certainly ruffle other's feathers, but we need to.

Life is not easy for sure, and there are these times
that we are called to "draw a line in the sand."
It is not pleasant nor popular, but it is necessary.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Loving from a Distance

As a women I understand that I need to use great wisdom
in this life with men.  God expects me to be a good steward 
of this life He has given to me for His purposes and His Glory! 

I am learning very important things these days as I relate to men.
What once was my "MO", is no longer.  I have tools and hellacious
experiences that have taught me there is another way!  

My only expectation should come from God, but in love relationships
we do expect in our humanness.  I realize that it is of the utmost 
importance to be with a sensitive man who is able to care for a heart.

God does have a man for each of His daughters and we cannot give up
in our expectation from God in this matter.    We need to continue to
trust our Father in Heaven to make this perfect match in His time.

Let's not give up hope, but let's "be wise as serpents and harmless 
as doves."   Let's think clearly and get the healing we need so that
we aren't blinded to wrong relationships out of our brokenness.  


We all need safe people.  
We cannot do life without them.
Prayer is imperative to have these
jewels in our corner.   

It's not so much what we say,
but what we do, we've all heard it said.
Let's "put our money where our mouth is";
Let's let God transform us into His people.

I am nothing without Him.  But in Him,
there is greatness for my future and my destiny.
Can we lay down the things of the world today
and set out on the course Yeshua walked for us?

I've heard it said, "When we have no more fear
of death, we can really begin to live!"  
I am facing my mortality in these days and 
I know the time is short.  Let's live well!