Saturday, January 16, 2016


We all want to fall in love.
This longing is innate in us.
Wisdom and patience are required
so we do not make a wrong choice.

The waiting becomes difficult
as we long to be with someone.
Discretion and staying close to God are key.
Having faith and continuing to believe are critical.

Thank you Daddy that you have the man for me.
May I continue on the narrow ordained path
and trust that You will do it in your time.
I praise for "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


It's in the battle that we overcome!
Acceptance is 'key!'
If we are willing to go under deep waters
so that our King can transform us, it shall be! 

We are never alone, 
for the Father, the Son, and the 
Holy Spirit are like an umbilical cord 
attached to us as we walk this earth.   

We are simply passing through.
This carnal life is not the life of eternity.
We are in preparation for what shall be!  
Let's get it right it now en route to Glory!  

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Love overtakes me and I feel broken again.
It comes like a flood as I feel so deeply.
It is surely in these times that I am reminded
Love is all that matters, period.  

"We love because He first loved us."
We can take no credit for any of it.
We can either respond to God's love,
or push it away, and go off on our own.

He will never stop loving us because
He made us and longs for our hearts 
to melded into His.   He waits patiently
for us to come into His presence and be filled!

He is our only answer to happiness and peace.
There is no other way to Joy unspeakable.
"For it is His presence that there IS fullness of Joy."
This is our portion in the Land of the Living.