Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pressing Through

Moving through the manure of fears,
is like going from "Glory to Glory."
It is straining, heart pounding, and
extremely challenging, yet it surely 
yields it's rewards.  Afterwards, I feel
like I have gotten to the "finish line"
and a sigh of great relief comes!  

It's called "growing into maturity."
Funny, "manure" and "mature" are '
only separated by one letter.  One 
has to move through the manure to 
reach the mature.   Such a revelation!

One wants to shout "Halleluyah"
when achieving success in breaking
through to the goal; in cutting the 
chains that have bound.   This 
accomplishment offers encouragement
for future hope of more and more
maturity as I walk through the manure!  

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Perfect Peace

There's nothing like 'knowing' you are home!  
There is a settled feeling within that has never been.
On the worst day of weariness and fatigue,
exists complete contentment in being "home."

No one wants to be challenged on issues too close to "home",
We'd rather go about our lives in our own bubbles.
There comes a time when we are faced with what we believe,
is it working for us or not?  

For me, I ran my whole life, spinning in circles, unaware,
it was too painful to slow down.  
Well, God has slowed me down, to breathe, to feel, to hear
His heavenly voice breaking through the smokescreen of darkness!