Monday, January 26, 2015


In this "rough and tough" world,  I am learning to appreciate my deep and meaningful relationships.   Knowing I can nestle into my close friends like a warm hug and "let my hair down"  is so very comforting. 

Our Father's will was never for us to walk alone on this journey called, "Life."
It is so vital for us to stay close to the ones who love us unconditionally like a mother's love.   

We can exhale the stress and burdens we have internalized and breathe in the newness of the Holy Spirit every moment of every day, though we often forget to.
We need to remember real "life" comes from the throne of God directly into us!  

Caring for our hearts is so critical and taking the time for "respite" whatever that looks like for each of us daily.   We have been instructed through the Holy Scriptures
to "guard our hearts, for it is the well-spring of life."    

Can we release those who don't understand us to God?   Can we bless them and pray for God's best for their lives?   Can we examine our selves to make sure there is no "evil" way in us, and allow God to lead us in His Way everlasting?    

Are we ready to do it God's way?  Have we come to the ends of ourselves?  Have we exhausted all of our own ideas and are surrendering our will to His?    How we come
into agreement with His best for our lives?    How we died to self to live for Him?