Friday, February 28, 2014


We do have wings to soar,
but sometimes our hearts
are so heavy laden.

We wonder how long they
will remain that way?
It's like trudging through quick-sand.

What we want and what is reality
may be altogether different.
Are we prepared for that?

One day can hold a character of it's own.
There is no resemblance of yesterday
or tomorrow.  This I know.  

At what point do we acknowledge
a completely other scenario may unfold?
How long do we wait for our heart's desire?

What really matters above all is God's will.
If something is not His will, I really don't want it.
This is the "cross" roads we each face on our journey.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


"Patience is a virtue", hence I am working on becoming more virtuous.
I am greatful for acquired self-control.   It is not an easy thing to continually
lay down a desire, but life experience has taught me it's too dangerous otherwise.

I do stumble sometimes and pick up what I laid down, and thankfully those
whom I'm accountable to help me stay the course.   I choose to bring my 
insides out to my trusted friends whereby making me accountable for my choices.

I'd like to think I'm growing more into maturity with my self-control intact.
It's about time I've allowed my life experience to teach me to do things differently.
I've always lived on the edge, taking risks, always having been resilient.

Then came that day that I realized that I only had one heart, and I could not afford
to expose it to danger any longer.     I began to take a new position on dating.
It's to protect my one heart.  The one heart that God has so lovingly given to me.

It hit home the scripture, "Keep your heart with all caution, because from it is the 
outgoing of life."    My choices determine the consequences I will have to live with.
Amazing how God is so concerned about the heart choices we make.  

Our Maker knows the choices we make will determine the outcome of our lives.
We cannot change our past decisions, and many of us have been devastated
by our personal choices, and are still trying to pick up the pieces of our lives.

Self-control, resisting temptation is an exercise that will be with us always.
We must have accountability partners, or we may walk right into the lion's mouth.
We must walk with others to stay on the straight and narrow path.

Alone, we are bait for our enemy, and we cannot succeed in a Godly lifestyle.
We must carry one another's burdens, and be receptive and loving to our friends.
We must always keep the door open to them, so they never feel alone and isolated.

We must carry our cross with Jesus, and love as He did.   Of course, we will 
always have to aspire to this kind of love, but we need to be busy trying.
"We are a Royal Priesthood, Holy and set apart for the Master's use."

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Standing firm on what my vision projects.
Knowing seriously what this means.  
The inheritance of good gifts from above.

Wisdom discerns the time and the purpose
of a matter, as it is like a jewel around
one's neck.   She shall protect you.

I do not know what the outcome shall be,
but I seek God's perfect will for me.
I am holding out for His clear voice.

I shall give this vision a timeline.
I shall continue to wait on God
and be patient for the possibility of movement.