Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The language of loneliness speaks from the deepest places.
We can know ourselves intimately by the way our bodies speak.
I never realized how true this statement is, but I am here.

I am surprised that I can learn by things I never would have imagined.
When will we let the Creator of all that we are, into our very depths?
I never knew how connected I really was until now.  Praise Your name!

When is it time that we get on our faces and pour it all out to the author of life?
I know He's been waiting all along for this moment, when there is no other turn.
The answer is not in a person, but in the loving arms of Daddy, loving completely!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Heidi Bell

Temperatures rising, no control of emotions.
Surrendered at the Cross, for only He knows the future!  

Leaving intellect and rationale behind.   
Obstacles to get through to submission.

Knowing the end from the beginning, 
trusting in the Living God!   He is the only security.

We always have the choice, to "live" or stay 
in what appears "safe", what a lie!   

It is only in the arms of our Beloved, 
that security lays.  In the meantime, God give courage!